Personal Account: The Yoni Egg I don’t know about you but I am a big fan of Goop. If you haven’t heard of it… “In 2008, Gwyneth Paltrow launched Goop from her kitchen as a homespun weekly newsletter. It’s grown a lot since then. We operate from a place of curiosity and nonjudgment, and we […]
The Yamas – Satya
The Second Yama: Satya There are eight limbs on the path of Ashtanga Yoga. There are five Yamas. The Yamas focus on the relationship we have with the world outside. The Yamas are moral codes or guidelines to restrain behaviors that are motivated by grasping, aversion, hatred, and delusion. ‘Satya’ is the second Yama. Satya, […]
The Power of the Exhale
“Inhale the present, exhale the past and the future.” Leticia Rae If you’ve ever been to a yoga class or guided meditation session, you’ve probably heard the phrase, “on your exhale…release everything that is not serving you in this moment.” Maybe the first time you heard it, you were just a little bit confused. I […]
The Yamas – Ahimsa
The First Yama: Ahimsa There are eight limbs on the path of Ashtanga Yoga. There are five Yamas. The Yamas focus on the relationship we have with the world outside. ‘Ahimsa’ is the first Yama. The Yamas are moral codes or guidelines to restrain behaviors that are motivated by grasping, aversion, hatred, and delusion. ‘Himsa’ […]
The Nature of The Gunas
The Sanskrit word “Guna” translates literally to ‘strands’ or ‘fibers.’ Imagine or visualize a rope. This rope has 3 sections or strands that intertwine together to make the whole. Sattva Balance. Sattva denotes having the natural quality of purity and goodness. Increasing sattva, which should always be our focus, involves reducing the rajas and tamas. Tamas Inertia. Tamas is […]
Kids Yoga & Innergy Meditation Tent Workshop – TBA
Yoga and mindfulness have been shown to improve both physical and mental health in children of all ages. Yoga improves balance, strength, endurance, and flexibility in children. Is your kiddo struggling with confidence, focus, lack of energy, restlessness, or anxiety? Yoga teaches how the body and mind are interconnected and how we should be aware of ourselves. This mind/body […]