My Journey into the Kundalini Arts

My journey into the Kundalini Arts began in 2019 when I had an interesting and profound encounter with a Deity; I later discovered the Hindu Goddess Kali during a deep meditation.
The experience was deeply confusing and foreign. I didn’t immediately take action to research who or why I had this encounter. I did start practicing Kundalini around this time, not knowing the correlation between the Deity and Shakti energy. I did notice a change happening internally.
In 2023, I happened upon Collen Grady’s profile on Instagram. I knew that I needed to journey further into my study and practice of Kundalini.
After speaking to her briefly, I immediately decided to elevate my practice and refine it according to her guidance, style, and passion. I signed up for her 8-week training devoted to developing energetic mastery and becoming a Kundalini Facilitator.
My Mentor in the Kundalini Arts, Collen Grady
Borrowed from her website,

In today’s wellness landscape, Kundalini Activation is a rapidly growing industry. The quickness of this movement tends to overlook the importance of education and embodiment.
The Kundalini process is a path of purification which, in reality, takes time and mentorship. The sacredness of working with this energy been diluted and replaced with a business model. My dream is to bring the sustenance back and training facilitators who will do the same.
Activating the energy is only one piece of the puzzle. During this training, you will mentored in many ways to work with and explore the energy. You will have thorough education and support to develop your unique expression of this work. You will leave this training feeling confident in your energetic talents and be able to facilitate Kundalini Activation sessions.
Kundalini Activation FAQ
What is a Kundalini Activation?
The Kundalini Activation process is a gentle and direct technique for awakening the Kundalini energy within you. Kundalini is the ultimate life force and inner fire and is the source of all your spiritual gifts and divine feminine energy. It is often represented as a snake, moving like a creature within the body. It is important to note that this energy is very powerful and can lead to intense physical and emotional release.
Is Kundalini Activation the same as a Kundalini Awakening?
The Kundalini Activation is not the same as a Kundalini Awakening. Kundalini Activation is energywork that involves working with Kundalini Energy. Kundalini Awakening is what happens after meticulous personal and spiritual development, or a coccyx accident.
During the Kundalini Activation, we play with Kundalini energy, and support the flow of life force energy. The only relation it has with Kundalini Awakenings is that 1) it can be beneficial to people who suffer from Kundalini Awakening complications (because of blockages in Ida and/or Pingala Nadis) or 2) prepare and support our journey of personal evolution.
How is my training different than KAP?
What is KAP?
KAP is a direct energy transmission that activates the process of Kundalini awakening. In a KAP session, spontaneous movements can and do arise. Some consider it a cathartic experience or something that gives them deep insights or realizations. But these are just some of the side effects that can and do happen.
A profound rewiring of the brain structure and central nervous system happens with continued exposure. Every “symptom” or sign of a kundalini awakening, from the earliest signs to the later end manifestations, are seen regularly in participants
KAP is a direct energy transmission that activates the process of Kundalini awakening. In a KAP session, spontaneous movements can and do arise. Some consider it a cathartic experience or something that gives them deep insights or realizations. But these are just some of the side effects that can and do happen.
A profound rewiring of the brain structure and central nervous system happens with continued exposure. Every “symptom” or sign of a kundalini awakening, from the earliest signs to the later end manifestations, are seen regularly in participants.
Kundalini Arts Facilitator
To keep things simple, we can call it KAF. KAF is very similar to KAP in that both facilitate a Kundalini awakening. My training can only be described as a ‘softer’ and supportive method of moving energy.
My teacher, Colleen Grady, uses her own style and methodology for working with Kundalini energy. She never trained with KAP or trained with someone in this lineage. It is very misleading that people are told this is the only way to connect and transmit Kundalini.
Collen’s method goes beyond simply raising the energy. We are guided to embrace the activation process and provide support as our clients experience the energy. Using this methodology, we can better support you while guiding you on how to work with this energy that is being activated in your body.
Colleen’s training begins with 10 Kundalini activation sessions. After the sessions, we are invited to start training. Her teaching method is more experiential rather than a textbook. We do go through intensive ‘textbook’ training, but she guides us to ‘go within’ to harness our own gifts & experiences when we start our Kundalini facilitator journey. This very authentic approach is one of the reasons I was drawn to Colleen.
Each session is very intuitive and unique to the facilitator. I weave many different tools, such as somatics, breathwork, aromatherapy, sound expression, and channeling into my sessions based on the needs of a client.
What is Shakti?
In essence, the concept of Shakti in yoga teaches us that everything is powered by energy. However, there is a hidden aspect of Shakti that can only be awakened through yoga or similar practices, and that aspect governs our spiritual evolution.
This aspect is known as Antar Shakti, Yoga Shakti, or Kundalini, and it is the force that evolves our consciousness and opens the doorways into our soul. The awakening and unfolding of our inner Shakti happens naturally, much like the physical growth of a baby. However, just like a baby’s growth is optimized by nourishing food, sunshine, and exercise, spiritual growth also requires certain nutrients such as awareness, contemplation, meditation, self-inquiry, and a supportive cultural environment.
Effort is necessary to develop spiritual muscles, just as it is necessary to develop physical muscles and brain cells. Once our inner Shakti is awakened, it can empower any practice that we undertake, whether it is asana, meditation, creative projects, or even academic pursuits. This is when spiritual and creative growth accelerates exponentially, making it a life-changing experience to learn how to tune into our own Shakti.
What a Kundalini Activation ‘Is Not’?
It is not witchcraft, magic, or religion. It is non-denominational. It is a latent energy that lives within us all and can be activated spontaneously through spiritual practice, yogic philosophy, and intention.
What Might a Kundalini Activation ‘Feel’ Like?
During the initial stages of kundalini activation, you may notice subtle sensations such as tremors, small movements, sweating, noises, crying, laughter, and changes in breathing patterns. As kundalini energy flows more freely, your body may produce extensive movements and various mudras. Your experience with Kundalini will keep changing depending on the extent to which you work with it.
Kundalini Activation Benefits
The benefits of kundalini activation are numerous and vary depending on multiple factors such as where you are in your spiritual journey, your willingness to ‘let go’ of expectations and be ‘open’ to a new experience, and the level of Shakti that has already been ‘activated’ in your body.
Some of the benefits of a Kundalini Activation:
– You can release the stuck feelings from your emotional and physical body
– Your intuition may increase
– Your vitality may increase
– You may come into alignment with your true self
– You might notice more vivid dreaming
– You may connect to a Greater Power
How do I prepare for a Kundalini Activation?
Before (8-36 hours prior)
You can better prepare your body, mind, and spirit to be more openly receptive to the experience by practicing meditation, interacting with the outdoors, salt bath, Asana (physical practice of yoga), cutting out heavy foods, increasing water intake, the practice of shaking and dancing, and finding stillness.
Before the Kundalini Activation session, I will gently guide you through the process and what you can expect. We will do a short meditation and grounding session, including gentle breathing exercises, movement, and intentions. Similarly to a Reiki session, you will be in a place of stillness.
I might apply gentle pressure to certain parts of your body, including your Chakras and meridians. I might invite you to make a certain sound expression to help release a blockage. Music will be playing.
Sessions typically last between 45 minutes and an hour.
Immediately After
You will be offered tea or water. We will do a grounding meditation. There will be a lot of energy that has shifted during the process. We will engage in a short open dialogue about the experience.
When you get home and for a few days after the session, I encourage you to find stillness in meditation and gentle contemplation. Become aware of any sensations or nuances in your body, environment, and in dreams. Journaling these observations will help to continue to move the energy. Drink more water or tea. Keep your food intake healthy and light.
Kundalini Activation Real-Life Experience
I would like to use this testimonial because it provides a detailed account of a real Kundalini activation experience. As said before, each experience will be different, but this is a great one.
“I am writing to share about my experience with today’s Kundalini Activation with Carrie. I met up with her last week to learn a little bit about how to prepare for it, get some salts for a bath, learn a bit of meditation. We had an incredible conversation that led to a bit of somatic shaking and movement. I also shared some of my previous experiences with what I believe was a spontaneous awakening in 2018. The whole conversation, and visit, was very energetic. I felt heard, supported, and inspired to move forward. I also left that day with more energy moving through me than I had a few years. It felt like an activation before the activation. That sensation ebbed and flowed throughout the week, led to lots of synchronicity and supportive conversations with others out in the world. Each day, I did a little bit of shaking, dancing, meditation, took a salt bath. It all felt really alive for me. There were a couple of times the day before where I felt more landed back in the world, but also had some intuitive sense that my body was already preparing for it. Just sharing all that to say how grateful I am to Carrie for how she prepared me, talked about it, gave me an idea of what it would look like, and worked with me to make sure timing would be okay.
The activation itself was a lot of different experiences. I really like the somatic shaking for kind of preparing for that, getting me to be more present in my body. I did the first parts lying down, and felt a fair amount of ego resistance… lots of internal questions of whether or not I was doing it right (Carrie did a great job beforehand of telling me to just be present, that there wasn’t anything I needed to do, or any particular way I needed to be). That didn’t stop my narrating voice from being a little self-critical. But shortly in, I started feeling some nice energetic sensations… oddly, not in the base of my spine. I had moments where my left leg was shaking some. There were a few moments when my tummy and spine were shaking or lightly convulsing, too. A moment where I felt a shaking in my mouth and jaw, something I’d never experienced before. I was still a little reserved, but found there were times where I vocalized a little… also times where (even though I know the breath is important), I almost didn’t want to breathe… was just enjoying the stillness and slowing down. Carrie put pressure on me at points, and it seemed to align with places in my body where I was feeling out of alignment. I even used the example of my left leg shaking, but my right leg was not feeling much.
Somewhere a bit past the halfway point, I felt a strong urge to sit up. That shifted a lot for me. I somehow felt more mobile and in motion in that sitting position. Carrie helped move me some, but after a while, I rocked in a circle and made back and forth motions independently of any intention to do so. I was reminded very much of a kundalini motion, how the way my body was naturally rocking mimicked that motion, but in far more subtle and gentle ways. I could feel the energy moving up through me, coming out of my crown chakra, moving my body as it did. It was very relaxing and peaceful and quieted any ego-mind that still remained. When we were done, I felt very peaceful, a bit foggy. We had a nice talk about everything afterward, where I shared some of my experiences as they came up.”